Pubg Mobile Global/ BGMI ( Battleground Mobile India) All Hidden Achivements Points

Pubg /BGMI Hidden Achivements Here we have brought such hidden achimenents for you, by compliteing which you will get achiments poionts, classic cr...
Hello gamers, in this article we will talk about all the hidden achievements related to pubg mobile and BGMI, which many of us players will not know about. 

Pubg Mobile Global/ BGMI ( Battleground Mobile India) All Hidden Achivements Details

Pubg Mobile and Battleground Mobile India have kept many such achievements hidden to make their game interesting for a long time and to keep the players suspenseful.

What are hidden achievements in bgmi/ pubg

Although we see incomplete achievements in the achievements section of our pubg / bgmi account profile, we can complete them after watching them, but there are many such achievements in pubg mobile and bgmi that we see in the achievement section. Do not give such achievements are hidden achievements.

No one already knows about hidden achievements in Pubg mobile and Bgmi.

Hidden Achievements ( Pubg Mobile/ BGMI)

Here we have brought such hidden achievements for you, completing which you will get achievement points for classic creat cocouponsnd premium creat coupons for free and you will be able to complete the achievement very easily.


Complete 50 matches in which teammates were Disconnected. 

Pubg Mobile Global/ BGMI ( Battleground Mobile India) All Hidden Achivements Details

Reward- Completing this achievement gives us 30 achievement points and a classic creat coupon

 How to complete - To accomplish this achievement, we have to play 50 such matches in which our teammate gets disconnected, although it often happens with us that our teammates get disconnected in the middle of the game, so how many matches have been completed so far. We cannot know this until 50 matches are completed, but if we want, we can complete this hidden achievement before the help of our teammate, for that our teammate will have to be disconnected during a match like this. This achievement will be completed as soon as 50 matches are done. 

Secret Trick- To complete this hidden achievement quickly, you can also complete the arcade mode in quick mode, for this you have to set up quick mode with your teammate and when all the players sit in the plane then you have to tell yourself to your friend. You have to get the following, after that, he has to ask to exit the match, due to which he will be disconnected from the match, and then you have to go out of the zone and die with your disconnected teammate, you can complete this achievement quickly.

Are We Teammates

Get Defeated By Teammates 20 Times 

Pubg Mobile Global/ BGMI ( Battleground Mobile India) All Hidden Achivements Details

Reward- On completing this achievement, we get 20 achievement points and 1premiumm creat coupon.

How To Complete - By the way, this achievement should not be in the game even when there is a danger of getting banned for killing teammates, to complete this achievement you have to die 20 times from your teammate.

Secret Trick- To complete this hiddeachievementt, you have to take the help of your friend, to complete it quickly, you have to kill your teammate by playing your duo or squad game, for this,, you can also use vehicleBlastt or Ned You can keep in mind that you have to take care of the pop up of the report and cancel the report or else your friend's account may also be banned permanently.

I Am So Unlucky 

Deal Damage to more than 15 players in one Match Without Defeating any of them

Pubg Mobile Global/ BGMI ( Battleground Mobile India) All Hidden Achivements Details

Reward- On completing this achievement we get 20 achievement points and 1 premium creat coupon

How to Complete- Although many players have found it difficult to complete this achievement, due to the change in the achievement, earlier this achievement was to damage 10 different players but now it has been increased to 15 players to complete this achievement. For this,, you have to damage 15 different players, and keep in mind that you should not have a single nail in this match.

Secret trick- If you try to accomplish this achievement while playing normally, then it will be very difficult for you, to complete it easily, you will have to take the help of your teammate, you should use the mode in which your ranking is low like Bronze level you will get blobby, you can damage each player by firing a low damage gun on a single tab and your teammate will finish, I m player, thus you can easily damage 15 players and complete tachievementment. can do

Rubbish Picker

havAttachmentsments Equipped in the backpack at the same time in a match

Pubg Mobile Global/ BGMI ( Battleground Mobile India) All Hidden Achivements Details

Reward- On completing this achievement, we get 20 Achievement points and 1 premium creat coupon

How to complete- This is a very easy achievement, and you will be able to complete it easily in a single match, to complete this you have to collect 2attachmentnt in your backpack in the match even if it is the same attachment like angle, red dot, Holograph, Scope, Thumpgrip, Meg, by doing this you have to lift 20 attachments whether you pick up 20 red dots or 10 red dot 5 holograph 5thumbm gr.ip 

 Will Of Steel 

Lose MoThanhen 1800 Health In One Match. 

Pubg Mobile Global/ BGMI ( Battleground Mobile India) All Hidden Achivements Details

Reward- 30 Achievements Points and 1 classic creat coupon

How to Complete- By the way, it is very difficult to complete this achievement because to complete it, you have to take damage of more than 1800 in a single match or lose your health that too in a single match which is very difficult if Even if you try to accomplish with the help of your teammate, it is difficult. 

Secret trick- To complete this hidden achievement you have to play flora mode in which you get some health regenerate areas where your health regenerates automatically then you have to play a match in which a health regenerator zone is created in georgopool where your health Living in the regenerator zone, jumped 20 to 21 times from the tower or crane of the georgopool and could easily accomplish this achievement.

Who Hit me 

Get Defeated or Knockout By enemy Attacks During the jump phase

Pubg Mobile Global/ BGMI ( Battleground Mobile India) All Hidden Achivements Details

Reward-  On completing this achievement, we get 20 Achievement points and 1premiumm creat coupon.n

How to Complete - This is also a simply hidden achievement. In this achievement, the player has to die knocked out in the glazing phase with a parachute.

Secret Trick - To complete this achievement, you have to put the solo match in live map mode and when you sit in the plane as soon as the jump button shows, you have to jump and go in the opposite direction of the plane so that you walk out of the zone. You will go and you will be killed in the air, in this way you can easily complete this hidden achievement.

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Real What you sow

Get Defeated Times ourOwn a Grenade

Pubg Mobile Global/ BGMI ( Battleground Mobile India) All Hidden Achivements Details

Reward- On completing this achievement get 30achievementt points and a classic creacouponan

How to Complete- To complete this hidden achievement, we have to kill ourselves with our own grenade 50 times so far how many times we must have been killed with our own grenade but we cannot know that and how many times we have to do this As soon as you do this 50 times, then your achievements will be completed.

Secret Trick- You can play quick mode in arcade mode to complete this achievement quickly where it takes you very little time in match matching and you have to jump straight and kill yourself with a grenade like this your achievement is very little Will be completed in time!


Get defeated by an airstrike 50 times. 
PUBG achivement

Rewards- On completing this aachievementgegetsachievementmt points
How to Complete -  To complete this feat, the player has to do 50 times with RedZone/Air Strike.
SectricecThe player yer playing with a singles match moves to the exact center point of the red zone where there is more likely to fall.


At present, this hidden achievement has appeared in pubg mobile anBMImi, as soon as new achievements come, you will be given an update.

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Hi, I’m Narayan Kir Known as NK I'm a passionate learner and dedicated blogger who loves sharing my gaming experiences and knowledge with others. Through GamingSalt, I aim to provide helpful how-to content, making gaming and tech more accessible…

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